Saturday, June 15, 2013

Whose Teaching Your Children About Sex?

I think that it is vitally important that parents should teach their children about sexual intimacy instead of just letting school and others teach them. In a changing world more and more things are being taught to the youth in schools that in the past would not have been acceptable or allowed.  It is more critical now to take an interest and to monitor what our children are being taught.  One example of what children are being taught on this personal subject is from some curriculum now being taught in the New York public school system. In an article “Mandatory Sex Ed Details May Be Too Racy for Parents: Report it explain some of the new curriculum including: “ Workbooks for older students direct them to a website run by Columbia University, which explores topics such as sexual positions, porn stars, and bestiality. The lessons explain risky sexual behavior and suggest students go to stores to jot condom brands and prices.” Here is a link if you want to read the entire article . I was shocked by reading this. I personally do not want my children, especially at a young age, to learn about these things without me there explaining my own beliefs.  A commentary from this article echoed my beliefs in the statement: “Such policies violate parents’ rights, whether they are Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, or of no religion at all.”  If you want to read this entire article here is a link:

            I know that some parents would rather leave it up to others to explain sexual intimacy because they do not know how to themselves, or just feel awkward about it. I know it can be awkward, but it is so important that we are teaching our children our personal beliefs on the subject, then someone we hardly know. If you want some resources to help, one really great resource is called “A Parent’s Guide.” It’s a pamphlet put out by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints that gives some helpful guidelines and tips on how to teach children about this personal topic. It also gives examples of things to teach at different ages. It’s worth giving a look at no matter what religion you belong to. It can be found here:       
            I feel it is important for parents to have an open relationship of trust with their children and talk candidly about personal things as well as other things in a private, safe environment. This will ultimately help the child feel more willing to ask questions about all topics, including sex, with their parents. I do want to clarify however, that a parent does not need to share intimate details of their own sex life with their children in the process of explaining sex. If they will include their feelings about how special, sacred and natural sex is and why it is important to abstain from sex before marriage, I feel the child will be more likely to have a healthy sex life after marriage.

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